
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Join the Beautiful and Bald Barbie Campaign

To help young children who suffer from hair loss due to cancer treatments, Alopecia or Trichotillomania. Also, for young children who are having trouble coping with their mother's hair loss from chemo. Many children have some difficulty accepting their mother, sister, aunt, grandparent or friend going from long haired to bald.

My Barbie is a quadriplegia.
She is in a wheelchair and is a photographer. 

Barbie has become a teaching tool for a variety of professions; eating disorders; body image distortions, etc..

A bald Barbie shows the world that no illness can take away beauty.
Providing resources and accessories gives a bald Barbie the power of
Acceptance for many children, their families and friends.

To learn more, visit Beautiful and Bald Barbie!
and the Bald G.I. Joe Movement

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