
Friday, December 3, 2010

December 2010 Wellness News

Current  News, Resources and Events in Nutrition, Food, Health, Environment,
Safety and Disability Rights. Encourages awareness and inspires ideas for
Journalists, Educators, Consumers and Health Professionals.

Wellness News

Monthly Events Highlights
In 1988 the World Health Organization of the UN declared Dec 1 as World AIDS Day, an international day of awareness and education about AIDS. The WHO is the leader in global direction and coordination of AIDS prevention, control, research and education. A program called UN-AIDS was created to bring together the skills and expertise of the World Bank, UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNFPA and the WHO to strengthen and expand national capacities to respond to the pandemic. Light for Rights events are being held all over the world on World AIDS Day 2010. The events encourage 100 cities to dim the lights on public landmarks to remember the devastating affect AIDS has had, and then to turn the lights back on - to illuminate the fundamental human rights shared by all - but often denied people living with HIV.

National Egg Nog Month

Every day, 36 people in the United States die, and approximately 700 more are injured, in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This December, during National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, consider what you and your community can do to make injuries and deaths from impaired driving less of a threat.

Universal Human Rights Month

December Weekly Observances
1-7 Cookie Cutter Week.
1-8 Recipe Greetings for the Holidays Week
2-9 Chanukah (Hanukkah), sundown 12/1.

Feast of Lights. Festival lasting eight days commemorates victory of Maccabees over Syrians (165 bc) and rededication of Temple of Jerusalem. Begins on December 1st at sundown.

5-11National Handwashing Awareness Week 

Will Sawyer, MD is the creator of the Henry the Hand Foundation and Henry the Hand Champion Handwasher. The goal of the foundation is to improve health by making us more aware of the role our hands play in the spread of disease.

10-17 Human Rights Week.
Presidential Proclamation issued since 1958 for the week of December 10–17, except in 1986. See also: “Human Rights Day” (Dec 10) and “Bill of Rights Day” (Dec 15).
19-25 Gluten free Baking Week
25-31 It's About Time Week
26-1/1 Kwanzaa

December Daily Observances
A day to honor children who are developmentally delayed or physically challenged with a community-wide party. Established in 1990, this event builds on UN Resolution #47/3, which sets aside a day to promote integrating the disabled into society. This free, all-volunteer party features a family photo session with Santa, food and gifts for all special-needs children and their siblings.

2 Special Education Day

Celebrate the anniversary of the first US special education law—Dec 2, 1975. A time to reflect and move forward. Where were we when President Ford signed the groundbreaking legislation? Where are we now? And where do we need to be tomorrow? A day to honor progress, dialogue about challenges we face, and consider reforms for the future of educating all children.

3 UN Intl Day of Persons with Disabilities

On Oct 14, 1992 (Res 47/3), at the end of the Decade of Disabled Persons, the General Assembly proclaimed Dec 3 to be an annual observance to promote the continuation of integrating the disabled into general society.

4 Coats and Toys for Kids Day

The United Nations (UN) annually observes the International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development on December 5. The day, gives volunteers a chance to work together on projects and campaigns promoting their contributions to economic and social development at local, national and international levels.

7 Islamic New Year, sundown on 12/6
10 Human Rights Day; Nobel Prize Day

15 Bill of Rights Day
20 UN International Human Solidarity Day
The United Nations' (UN) International Human Solidarity Day is annually held on December 20 to celebrate unity in diversity. It also aims to remind people on the importance of solidarity in working towards eradicating poverty.

21 Winter Solstice; Kiwi Fruit Day (California)  
24 Christmas Eve
30 National Bicarbonate of Soda Day
31 New Years Eve; Universal Hour of Peace Day

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