
Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 3, 2010
Intergeneration Day

From our past we carry the love, inspiration and tradition of our ancestors. The future holds promise and hope as a new generation emerges. They carry the strength of the past and the courage and commitment to make the world a better place.

Generations United is a nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening connections between young and old through policies, programs and education. 

Recently Generated United held a photo contest. Here are the winners of the 2010 Photo Contest "Because We're Stronger Together". The photos represent multigenerations from all over the world.

Creating New Traditions

President Obama prepares lunch for his wife Michelle and their two daughters Malia and Sasha. The president brings to the table a rich background in culture. Born to a Kenyan father and an American mother, he spent most of his early life in Honolulu, Hawaii. From ages six to ten, he lived in Jakarta with his mother and Indonesian stepfather. I'm not sure tuna is a tradition from his parents or grandparents, put he is passing this tradition down to his children.

Cooking With Kids: Tutti-Frutti Salad
Inspired by the reality of Childhood eating disorders and the lack of time families spend in the kitchen together, "Cooking With Kids" television segments were designed to motivate parents and children to cook healthy, nutritious meals together. Narrated by Michelle Weinbender, RD.

How to Get Your Kids Involved
in the Cooking Process

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