
Monday, September 20, 2010

Salmonella Does Not Discriminate

FDA initiates rules to protect the public from salmonella contaminated eggs

FDA Inspection Affirms HSUS Investigation

The latest egg recall that caused a salmonella outbreak raises questions about whether the Food and Drug Administration can handle its job. Betty Ann Bowser looks at how large quantities of imported pharmaceuticals and food are straining the FDA safety net.

The House Committee on Energy and Commerce is coming down on three egg producers in Maine with ties to Austin "Jack" DeCoster, whose Iowa-based farm was linked to the recent US egg recall, reports Thursday.

The Committee has asked DeCoster to hand in inspection documents linked to egg contamination from Dorothy Egg Farms, Mountain Hollow Farms and Quality Egg of New England; the three farms distribute about 100 million cartons of eggs yearly to Maine's grocery stores.

"The companies appear to be linked to DeCoster, but we don't know what role, if any, they played in the recall," said Committee spokeswoman Karen Lightfoot.

Two Iowa farms issued recalls after over 1,500 people in the US were sickened by alleged salmonella contaminated eggs.

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