
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sun Safety Awareness Week, June 1 to 7

Sun Safety Alliance
The Sun Safety Alliance, Inc. (SSA) is a communication and educationally focused not-for-profit organization with the mission to reduce the incidence of skin cancer. SSA is dedicated to creating national awareness of skin cancer as an important health issue. SSA believes that a concerted focus on skin cancer prevention, education, and awareness is the only way to change generations of behavior.

The SSA works to elevate sun safety and skin cancer prevention in national media space through various program activities and providing resources for the accurate depictions of sun safety. 

SSA additionally works to:
 1.  Bridge the gap between research on sun safety and skin cancer prevention issues and strategic means of communicating them to the public.

 2.  Educate the public and improve public awareness regarding the importance of sun care safety, especially for children, with the goal of helping to prevent skin cancer due to sun exposure; To encourage members of the public to take action to protect themselves and their families, especially children, from the dangers of the sun;

 3.  Enhance the ability of healthcare providers, including community pharmacists and physicians, to promote the mission of eliminating skin cancer.

Sun Safety Tips prepared by the Sun Safety Alliance.

1. Sun exposure causes most of the wrinkles and age spots on our faces and is the number one cause of skin cancer.
2. Apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or greater 30 minutes before sun exposure and then every few hours thereafter.
3. Select cosmetic products and contact lenses that offer UV protection.
4. Wear sunglasses with total UV protection
5. Wear wide-brimmed hats, long sleeved shirts and pants
6. Avoid direct sun exposure as much as possible during peak UV radiation hours between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm.
7. Perform skin self-exams regularly to become familiar with existing growths and to notice any changes or new growths
8. As a parent, be a good role model and foster skin cancer prevention habits in your child
9. Avoid tanning beds

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