
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Alzheimer and Dementia Awareness Week

February 14 to 21 is Alzheimer and Dementia Awareness Week.

Current research

Mealtimes can present challenges for a caregiver and a person with Alzheimer's or Dementia

Make mealtimes easier (from pdf file)

•Set up a regular mealtime and stick to it.

•Encourage fluids.

•Limit distractions. Serve meals in a quiet place so that the person can focus on eating. Turn off the television, radio or telephone ringer.

•Keep the table setting simple. Take off flowers, centerpieces and condiments. Use only the utensils needed for the meal.

•Distinguish food from the plate or bowl. Changes in your loved one's visual and spatial abilities may make it tough to distinguish food from the plate. Avoid patterned dishes, tablecloths and placemats that might confuse the person.

•Check the food temperature. The person might not be able to tell if a food or beverage is too hot to eat or drink.

•Serve only one or two foods at a time. For example, serve mashed potatoes followed by chicken tenders.

•Be flexible to food preferences. The person may suddenly develop new food preferences or reject foods he or she may have liked in the past.

•Give the person plenty of time to eat. Remind him or her to chew and swallow carefully.

•Avoid nuts, popcorn and raw carrots. These foods can get caught in the throat. Learn how to perform the Heimlich maneuver, just in case the person chokes.

•Eat together. Make meals an enjoyable social event so that your loved one looks forward to the experience.

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